We offer a traumatic cleaning service; it should be noted that such cleanings require knowledge and procedures that cannot be carried out by anyone. Since there are elements around that can put at risk the health of the cleaning staff and the environment of the house. Our specialized team does a complete job to disinfect, clean and remove everything that is necessary.

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We usually distinguish 3 types:

1. Cleaning for deaths in the home.

We are aware that not all deaths need such an exhaustive cleaning after they have occurred. In this case we refer to deaths that have occurred in a traumatic way as may be the case of unattended deaths, suicides or murders. In any of these cases our task is to ensure that there is no trace of what happened in the property.

We completely eliminate blood or biological remains, leaving the space as well as the furniture and objects of the house spotless. Usually, the works that usually comprise the cleanings for death at home are the following ones:

  • Ozone cleaning. Ozone cleaning is a fast and effective way to destroy any variety of bacteria or viruses on the spot. It also completely eliminates unpleasant odors. It is very common that the application of an ozone treatment is one of the first actions to be carried out in a traumatic death cleaning.
  • Emptying of the property. We can get rid of all those belongings that have been affected by the event. Or proceed to its total cleaning for later use. In the case of removing them we always deposit them in a clean point complying with the regulations.
  • Removal of biological remains. We have experts in the removal of blood or any other biological remains. Ensuring their complete disappearance through a subsequent cleaning.
  • Cleaning with specific products. Our company has special products for use in cleaning due to death of different kinds. Materials for exclusive use by professionals to ensure an impeccable finish.
  • Certificate of sanitization. Cleanings issues a certificate stating the sanitization that has been carried out in the house. As well as the sanitation conditions with which it complies after our cleaning services.

Possible cases:

  • Unexpected death cleanings. Unfortunately, it happens quite often that people who live alone die naturally and their bodies are discovered some time after the fact. This is what is known as an unattended death. A situation in which it can take from days to months before a family member or neighbour notices the person’s absence. In more serious cases it can be detected by the odor of the body, which will require a more thorough cleaning.
  • Suicide clean-ups. Suicide clean-ups are usually among the most traumatic for the family or friends who find the lifeless body. The cleaning service will always depend on the situation that has occurred, as well as the state of the scene where the event took place. Although in any case it will be carried out with total confidentiality, discretion and respect for the family.
  • Homicide clean-ups. When we are facing a cleaning after a violent death by murder our professionals must conform to the requirements of the authorities. Waiting for the corresponding investigation to be carried out and collaborating with the police if the situation arises to find possible evidence at the time of cleaning. It should be noted that this type of traumatic cleaning is one of those that require more precision and care in order not to destroy in any case any evidence of the crime. However, once the case is solved our work is focused on getting the property back to normal as quickly as possible.
2. Cleaning of Diogenes syndrome.

This disease usually occurs in elderly people and is characterized by a compulsive accumulation of objects in the home. It is usually an unpleasant case for the communities of owners. In this case we take care of emptying the floor of all the accumulated garbage and sanitize the house to eliminate possible sources of pests or germs.

3. Noe’s syndrome cleansing

As in cases of Diogenes, here too there is a compulsive accumulation, although not of inanimate objects but of animals. Making people and animals coexist in unhealthy conditions and without complying with the basic aspects for their care.

Other special cleanings:

Fire clean-up.

In Illes Serveis we clean fires or places affected by fire, such as kitchens, workshops, restaurants, etc. The cleaning of fires is essential so that the affected people can return to life in the affected place. In addition, a fire is an emotional and economic blow to the person who suffers it. We take care of fire cleanings in an urgent and exclusive way so that you can recover your home or business as soon as possible. As a usual rule this type of cleanings are usually within the home insurance so it will not involve at least another expense.

Contact us if you need a cleaning of these characteristics and we will contact you again to arrange an appointment and assess the time and work to be done.

Our technicians will visit you and study your particular case so that the return to normality is as easy as possible. Fire cleaning has become one of our special cleaning services. We have worked for all types of clients, restaurants, insurance companies and individuals.

Fire clean-up services:

  1. Removal of burned and damaged objects.
  2. Search for valuable objects, either to recover them by cleaning or for their sentimental value.
  3. Deodorization of the building by ozone shock treatment.
  4. Cleaning of soot and residues caused by the fire. This cleaning will always be carried out by trained personnel and equipped with EPIS since the combustion residues are harmful to the organism and when breathed in.
  5. Removal of debris
  6. Cleaning and sanitization of the affected areas
  7. Refurbishment and painting of the affected rooms